Heard today from Scott again, briefly. He said they arrived safely in Chita by train. When he called it was around 3 a.m. for him (Sun. afternoon in Pittsburgh) and they had just gotten in from the train station. He said they are doing well. I assume they will start their teaching in Chita on Monday or Tuesday. Sounds like everything is going well.
Sphere: Related ContentSunday, June 25, 2006
Wednesday, June 21, 2006
A Russia Update
It's Julie writing again. Scott called this afternoon around 4:00 (which was Thursday morning there). He said he was doing well, and is really enjoying his teaching. Yesterday was his last day of teaching at his first stop of Petropavlosk, Kamchatka. Pastor Quill from the Fort Wayne seminary is also teaching with him. He said today was a free day, so they had a little time to do some sightseeing.
Scott said he worked with two different translators, a husband and wife team, Pastor Alexei and Lena Streltsov. We knew Alexei and Lena when we were in Fort Wayne. Alexei is now the rector of the Lutheran seminary in Novosobirsk. Lena told Scott that she remembered that I taught her and her husband English when we were in Fort Wayne. I taught English as a Second Language to some Russian children as well as some of the seminary students and their wives. But Alexei and Lena both had excellent English, so I doubt if I taught them much. But still, it is kind of ironic that I taught them, and now they are translating for my hubby!
Tomorrow Scott, Pastor Quill and Pastor Streltsov are traveling back to Vladivostok, and from there will take the train to the Chita region.
Posted by
Pastor Scott Stiegemeyer
6/21/2006 09:24:00 PM
Saturday, June 17, 2006
In Russia
Hi everyone - this is Pastor Stiegemeyer's wife, Julie. I just got off the phone with Scott, and he asked me to update his blog to let everyone know what's going on with his mission trip.
He arrived in Vladivostok yesterday (I think pretty late last night), and now they are getting ready to leave Vladivostok and fly to Petropavlosk. Even though here in Pennsylvania it's Saturday around 7:45 p.m., he said it's already Sunday morning there. Once they get to Petropavlosk, they will have one night to rest, and then will be starting their teaching on Monday, which he said is tomorrow according to his timetable. (Whew! I can't keep up with the time changes.)
I have Microsoft Encarta Encyclopedia on my computer (which is kinda cool) and am looking at a map of Vladivostok. It's adjacent to Japan, which is just how far east he is. If you have a decent map, check it out.
Here's a pretty good link to time zone info. This link shows the current time in Kamchatka, which is the region where Petropavlosk is--where he'll be tomorrow (or is it today?).
Anyway, thank you all for your prayers. God's holy angels are protecting and watching over him.
Posted by
Pastor Scott Stiegemeyer
6/17/2006 07:43:00 PM
Wednesday, June 14, 2006
Siberia, Here I Come
While I shall only be in Moscow (picture left) long enough to catch a jet back to the U.S., I will be spending the next 3 weeks in Russia on a mission trip for the Lutheran Church.
I leave first thing tomorrow to meet my travelling companion, Dr. Timothy Quill from Concordia Theological Seminary. Together we will go to three cities in eastern Russia, aka Siberia.
In each location, we will team up with the local Russian Lutheran pastor, congregation, and/or missionary. Then Dr. Quill and I will lead a series of seminars on Christian topics geared for the public.
My two subjects are: Christian Ethics and A Biblical View of Suffering. I'm not sure what Dr. Quill will present. But in each of three different cities, we will spend 4 days presenting these lectures.
The Russian Lutheran Church has used this strategy both to help educate their own laity and to attract interested newcomers. For ten years, Concordia Theological Seminary (Ft. Wayne, IN) has been partnering with the Siberian Lutheran Church in this way and others. And God has indeed blessed their relationship. Many congregations have been started, clergy have been trained and the good news of Christ is proclaimed far and wide.
So please say a prayer for me and Dr. Quill, that we would enjoy safe travel, that the seminars would be well-attended and beneficial for the hearers. Most of all, pray that the saving message of Jesus Christ will be clearly and accurately presented so that those who come and hear - many perhaps for the first time - will be brought to faith.
Posted by
Pastor Scott Stiegemeyer
6/14/2006 01:18:00 PM
Tuesday, June 13, 2006
Luther on the Great Books
I think it was C.S. Lewis who said something to the effect that you should read two old books for every new one.
I dug up this quote from Martin Luther on the value of excellent books. He could've said this yesterday.
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Since, then, God now has so graciously bestowed upon us an abundance of arts, scholars, and books, it is time to reap and gather in the best, so far as we are able, and to lay up treasures in order that we may preserve for the future something of these years of jubilee and not lose this bountiful harvest. For it is to be feared (and a beginning is already being made) that men will go on writing new and different books until at last, through the agency of the devil, the good books which have now been published will again be suppressed, and demoralizing and godless books, with their useless and nonsensical rubbish, will again multiply and fill every nook and corner.
Posted by
Pastor Scott Stiegemeyer
6/13/2006 11:36:00 PM
House Cat Chases Bear Up Tree
If you are a cat-lover like myself, you know how those little guys can have certain attitude (which I like to call catitude). Well, this funny story is of Jack the cat chasing a frightened black bear up a tree - twice. The accompanying photograph is worth gold.
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Posted by
Pastor Scott Stiegemeyer
6/13/2006 05:41:00 PM
Monday, June 12, 2006
Ben Roethlisberger in Motorcycle Accident
Big Ben, Steelers star QB, was injured in what appears to have been a very serious biking accident today. Here's the story.
His coach and supporters have been trying to convince him to stay off the bike noting its danger. Or at least to wear a helmet. See here.
Posted by
Pastor Scott Stiegemeyer
6/12/2006 01:22:00 PM
25 Most Controversial Films
Entertainment Weekly gives us this list of their choices for the 25 most controversial movies ever made.
It's a pretty good list. And though I predicted what they'd put in the number one slot, I am amazed that Brokeback Mountain wasn't even on the list. Have depictions of two men having sex on screen become so mainstream that they aren't controversial anymore?
On a separate but related topic, Brian Godawa's book Hollywood Worldviews is a great place to get a better understanding of how movies communicate and influence ideas.
Posted by
Pastor Scott Stiegemeyer
6/12/2006 11:48:00 AM
Sunday, June 11, 2006
Lutherans in Eastern Russia
My friends, the Holy Spirit is doing a marvelous work in Siberia, Russia. The good news of Jesus Christ is being proclaimed and lives are being saved. You need to become familiar with the efforts of the Siberian Lutheran Mission Society.
Go to their website and read some of the newsletters from the archive. The pictures and stories are inspirational. But don't just read about it. Write a big fat honking check. You don't need that Hummer for Father's Day. Slip $30 or $40K to the SLMS.
Posted by
Pastor Scott Stiegemeyer
6/11/2006 12:14:00 AM
Saturday, June 10, 2006
Gotta Have 'Em Songs
So, if you were about to spend ... oh approximately 17 hours on a plane to Seoul, Korea then about five more hours on a plane to Vladavostok, Russia and then another four or five hours again to Petropovlovsk, Russia - y'know, give or take - what TEN killer songs would you absolutely positively have to have on your iPod?
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Posted by
Pastor Scott Stiegemeyer
6/10/2006 10:31:00 AM
Friday, June 09, 2006
"Mysteries of Pittsburgh" Movie
I've heard of author Michael Chabon and his novels, but have not read them. This news item did catch my interest however. His book Mysteries of Pittsburgh is apparently being made into a motion picture and doggone if they aren't going to film it here in Pittsburgh. See here.
That's cool. Frankly, I can't understand why all movies aren't filmed here. Every single movie should be made in Pittsburgh, PA. For one thing, we boast the 16th most beautiful skyline in the world. See here.
Moviemakers would save a ton of cash from shooting here rather in that gold-plated brothel Hollywood. And we've got everything. The hills, the rivers. Swanky urban settings. Depressed inner city scenes. Old neighborhoods. More old neighborhoods. Cool architecture. Museums, libraries and parks. Lots of old people. Lots and lots of bars. We even have a real captured Nazi submarine at the Science Center.
And another thing. Not only should all motion pictures be filmed here. But all people should live here. If you live somewhere now that is not Pittsburgh, you should move. You might even get to be in a movie.
Posted by
Pastor Scott Stiegemeyer
6/09/2006 12:06:00 PM
Thursday, June 08, 2006
Movie with Christian Elements Deemed Offensive
Well, it's finally happening. Once upon a time, movies received the PG rating for profanities, sexual element, or mature themes. Now a film, with presumably none of these qualities, is receiving the Parental Guidance warning because . . . (drum roll) . . . it talks about Jesus and God and stuff. And particularly in a favorable manner. We're afraid, you see, that non-Christians might be offended. I sincerely doubt that practicing Jews, Muslims, Hindus or Sikhs will have any troubles since they will see that religious restrictions on Christians will harm them as well. So who are we worried about? Not atheists. No, it's the anti-theists, the secularists. These are the people for whom anti-theism is their governing philosophy (might we say it's their religion?).
But to be honest, I'm not all that outraged. Oh, it's nonsense. Don't get me wrong. But isn't this EXACTLY what we should expect? Jesus said that the world that hated him will hate us as well. The cross is an offense, a stumbling block.
The early Christians were hated and despised, first by the Jewish authorities and then by the Romans. Why? Because they professed belief in Jesus as the Messiah who died on the cross as a blood atonement for sin and rose again to reign at the right hand of God the Father.
I say, "Woe to you if the world loves you. And blessed are you when the world hates you for Christ's sake." Well, actually, Jesus said that.
Thanks to Darrell at SouthCon and Film Geeks for the heads up.
Posted by
Pastor Scott Stiegemeyer
6/08/2006 03:45:00 PM
The Best Skylines in the World
I think I posted this link once before, but I like it. Notice that Pittsburgh got Honorable Mention.
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Posted by
Pastor Scott Stiegemeyer
6/08/2006 10:17:00 AM
Monday, June 05, 2006
A Helluva Party
I went horseback riding one time with college chums in Hell, MI 17 or 18 years ago. A strange name for a town if you ask me. Lends itself to all types of sick jokes. The First Church of Hell. Hell High School. The Hell Optimist's Club. Some goofballs are celebrating today (6-6-06). See here.
Seems to me that making light of hell is like telling jokes about Auschwitz - only a thousand times worse. "Hell" parties are only cute if you don't actually believe there is such a place. For those of us who think that millions of people are suffering eternal torment, the humor is kinda lost.
Posted by
Pastor Scott Stiegemeyer
6/05/2006 01:48:00 PM
Sunday, June 04, 2006
Stiegemeyer in the Local Press
And it's not a character assasination this time.
Go here to see what the South Hills Record has to report about the bible class I'm leading on The Da Vinci Code.
The reporter attended the last class and was very polite and professional. I think the write-up is good though there are some minor inaccuracies in the fifth paragraph.
Posted by
Pastor Scott Stiegemeyer
6/04/2006 01:31:00 AM
Saturday, June 03, 2006
Humor: Bold New Church Strategy
For a fun time, look at Lark News.
This is amusing in a sad sort of way. It's good to have goals, eh?
Posted by
Pastor Scott Stiegemeyer
6/03/2006 03:31:00 PM
I Want to Burden My Family
A great article by Gilbert Meilander about advance directives, living wills, etc. It's a PDF.
Here it is.
Posted by
Pastor Scott Stiegemeyer
6/03/2006 12:04:00 AM
Friday, June 02, 2006
Bio-Ethics Quote of the Day
"Ours is not an age of deep thinkers." - Rev. Richard C. Eyer
I am currently reading a fine little book called Pastoral Care Under the Cross: God in the Midst of Suffering. In a section about end-of-life decision making, Eyer writes:
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Sad to say, ethical decisions today are commonly made, not by following absolutes such as 'thou shalt not kill' but by giving in to the pull of sentimentality.... Ours is not an age of deep thinkers, and technological advancement does not imply wisdom in the use of what we create or how we use it. The best-intentioned doctors and patients may sometimes make decisions based not on well-thought reasons but on the basis of sentimental impulses.
Posted by
Pastor Scott Stiegemeyer
6/02/2006 10:31:00 PM
Thursday, June 01, 2006
Batwoman Is a Lesbian
One of my watchful parishoners sent me this article about the new DC Comics Batwoman. Apparently, the character is being reintroduced to the comic series, this time as an uncloseted lesbian.
First of all, from the heterosexual vantage point, can't we have superhero comics without all the sexiness? C'mon, is it really necessary for female crimefighters to all be tall, bosomy and wear form fitting fetish gear? Those shoes don't look very practical to me.
I'm not a puritan prude, but I do believe in the virtue of modesty. I would love for superhero comic books to remain G-rated or at least PG. Who is this Batwoman comic book for? The readers will mostly be pre-pubescent boys. Do we really need to stir up their prurient imaginations with pages filled with amazonian sex goddesses?
I can appreciate that the feminine form is a work of art. And I suspect that there may be a line between admiring the beauty of the human body and lustful ogling but it's a distinction most likely lost on the typical testosterone factories known as teenage boys.
OK, now that I've made my point for a Batwoman more realistically proportioned and sensibly dressed, let's talk about that lesbian angle.
I understand that there are many gay and lesbian people in our society. I am in favor of treating such folks with respect as human beings, just like anyone else. I'll treat them as I'd want them to treat me.
However, the bible designates homosexual desire and behavior as sinful and contrary to God's created design. It's unwise for comic book artists to participate in the broader program to mainstream or destigmatize homosexuality.
I'm not a huge reader of superhero comic books so if they ever highlight heterosexual immoral behaviors, I'd voice a similar objection to that as well. Homosexuality is not a greater offense than adultery. Nor is it less.
I know my words move against the tide. But they're not my words. This is the position of the Word of God. Don't crucify the messenger. But if you must, at least I'd be in good company.
Posted by
Pastor Scott Stiegemeyer
6/01/2006 11:10:00 PM
Good Song, Better Singer
I recenlty discovered that Miss Sheryl Crow did a cover of Sweet Child o' Mine on The Globe Sessions. This has been great because I always that it was a cool song, but could never stand listening to Axl Rose.
Posted by
Pastor Scott Stiegemeyer
6/01/2006 12:05:00 AM