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Friday, February 10, 2006

"Salvation by Faith Alone" Says Papal Preacher

True conversion is not just giving up the bad. It means also giving up the good, in a sense. Giving up the notion that we bring our good works to God to win His favor. Good works are the natural, spontaneous and unavoidable result or fruit of being in God's favor, not the means of gaining it.

On December 16, 2005, Capuchin Father Raniero Cantalamessa preached before the pope the preeminence of faith. I don't know that he quite preached that justification is Christ's righteousness imputed or credited to unworthy sinners, but this illustration is a keeper.

Father Cantalamessa told a familiar Italian story about the shepherds near Bethlehem going to visit the newborn Jesus, each of them trying to outdo the others with the beauty of the gifts they offered.

One poor shepherd had nothing and was ashamed.

"Mary could not figure out how to accept all the gifts, since she was holding the baby in her arms," he said. "So, seeing the poor shepherd with his hands free, she handed Jesus to him."

"Having his hands free was his fortune and it should be ours as well," Father Cantalamessa said.
See the story here.

HT: Watersblogged

coverFor further reading, see C.F.W. Walther The Proper Distinction Between Law and Gospel and

cover Robert Preus Justification and Rome

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The Difference Between Cats and Dogs

I love dogs and I love cats. I have one of the former and two of the latter. I'm not quite sure it's accurate to say I "own" two cats. I certainly own the dog, but I think the cats might own me. I think to them I'm just staff.

Here is how a dog thinks: "Hmmm. This man feeds me, plays with me, and cleans up after me. He must be god." A cat thinks: "Hmmm. This man feeds me, plays with me, and cleans up after me. I must be god."

Go here to see a page from a dog's diary beside a page from a cat's diary. Sums it up.

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Drinking with Steve

This man is a genius. He sells a DVD with two hours of nothing but himself sitting and drinking beer. That way you never have to drink alone. His web store says:

Rough day at work? No job? You've come to the right place. Steve has found a loophole that blurs the line between the casual drinker and the raging alcoholic! Simply pop in the video, choose how many beers you feel like having and relax with your new drinking buddy. No stupid chit chat, no crying about ex girlfriends, just you and Steve tipping a few back. Enjoy.

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