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Saturday, October 08, 2005

Double Standard - You Decide

In the U.K., Muslims complained that an ice-cream cup sold in Burger King had a little swirly symbol on it that resembled the Arabic word for Allah. So Burger King, so as not to offend, pulled the design. Here.

Meanwhile, in Ireland, some bookie has billboards all over Dublin with Leonardo's famous Last Supper, only the ad is altered so that Jesus and the disciples are all playing poker. A fuss was raised, but the ads are not being removed. Here.

We're talking about taking a depiction of the Holy Eucharist and making fun of it. Oh well, I guess that's not as bad as when pastors dress up like clowns or wookies in order to make the Body and Blood of Jesus seem relevant. Personally, I'd be afraid to mock God.

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