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Saturday, November 05, 2005

Some DVDs I've Been Enjoying

This is not to be confused with the awful James Spader movie of the same name. This movie has some offensive language and situations. But it is the best film I have ever seen that deals with racism from all angles. It's not what you might expect. I highly recommend it.

A WWII drama set in a Japanese prison camp. Inspired by true events. The screenplay was written by Brian Godawa whose book Hollywood Worldviews is an outstanding read. This excellent film starring Kiefer Sutherland is one of the best film presentations of the gospel I have ever seen without being preachy.

I just love this little known film. Ed Harris is great. See if you can discern what the third miracle is.

A bit too scary at parts for the little ones, but an excellent entertainment. Johnny Depp is brilliant. Do I detect him channelling a bit of Keith Richards here? Funny and exciting.

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Some Music I Recommend

Here are some CDs I've been listening to recently. I'm particularly obsessing over the Fiona Apple and Mindy Smith CDs right now.

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