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Friday, July 28, 2006

Children of Men

P.D. James is one of my favorite contemporary writers. She's an octagenarian English woman who primarily writes detective novels. But anyone who's ever read a P.D. James book knows that she's not just another Stuart Woods or Michael Connelly. Her books are literature in the finest sense. She is also a Christian, a fact that any reader of her novels can discern.

But her most explicitly Christian novel was not a crime story. It was an unlikely sci-fi tale called The Children of Men. It is a wonderful novel. And now it's being made into a major film. I just hope they don't gut it. The preview (see here) looks promising.

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Getting There

So here we sit in the Denver airport (online, of course). I had a minor boo-boo with the rental car so we got to the car place early to get that taken care of. At present, it appears that our credit card will take of it (whew!).

Looking forward to getting home. I have some hospitalized parishoners to visit and a sermon to prepare for Sunday. So I'll be hopping back in the saddle pretty quickly.

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