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Monday, November 28, 2005

"Christ the Lord" by Anne Rice

I have been reading the new novel by Vampire Chronicler Anne Rice. Newly re-committed to her Roman Catholic faith, Ms. Rice has written an intriguing book told in the first person by a 7 year old Jesus. She has clearly done her research and presents her subject in a remarkably reverent, orthodox and interesting way. It is an enjoyable read. And believe me, I approached this with great skepticism.

Rather than writing a full review, I recommend you read what Dr. Gene Veith has written here at his Cranach Blog. He nails it on the head. He points out the perils inherent in trying to novelize the childhood of Christ the Lord.

My remaining criticism of the book is that Rice borrows slightly from ancient non-canonical tales of Jesus' youth. But as Veith points out, she does de-gnosticize them. Still, she does have Jesus performing occasional miracles.

It says in John 2:11, after the water-into-wine episode: "This, the first of his miraculous signs, Jesus performed in Cana of Galilee." My understanding of that passage is that Jesus performed no miracles prior to the wedding of Cana.

I do recommend Anne Rice's book.

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