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Tuesday, December 13, 2005

Santa Cutting Off Heads of Children

A rich couple in Manhattan hung this grotesque display in front of their home in order to, reportedly, protest the commercialization of the Christmas season.

Ah yes, nothing reminds folks of the true meaning of Christmas like images of Santa Claus decapitating children. Oh the magic of the holiday.

I, too, despise the mockery our culture has made of the Christian festival. But this stunt is only intended to shock and disgust. It accomplishes nothing good.

And even if their message against materialism were clear - which it's not - I have a hard time taking that seriously from someone who lives in a $3 million brownstone. It seems that commercialism has been good to them sometime along the way.

It reminds me of a Reuters report I read earlier about Pope Benedict XVI denouncing the materialistic mentality people have at Christmas. Huh?! Aren't those gold cuff links I see in your photo, Holy Father? The pope lives like a renaissance king and he's telling me and you how not to be materialistic. Those who live luxuriously simply have no credibility in this area. None. It's like a pornstar preaching about chastity. If you want to teach the world how to be un-materialistic, do what Jesus said and sell all you own and give it to the poor.

HT: GOP and the City

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