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Sunday, August 21, 2005

On Being Mr. Critical

One reader made a thoughtful comment on one of my previous posts asking me about how I can point my finger at the errorists in other church bodies while my own denomination has plenty of issues as well. His comment was polite, yet challenging. And I thank him for it because I have been thinking about it since then. So I would like to take a moment to get a couple of things off my chest.

  • First of all, for the most part, in this blog I post commentary about current events, pop culture, and news from the international church scene. And just as a train wreck will get more coverage than a birth announcement, my commentary probably tends more towards negatives than positives. I don't think I'm a curmudgeon, but if that's how I come across, please grant your indulgence.

  • Secondly, I certainly do not believe that my church body (the Lutheran Church - Missouri Synod) is perfect or free of problems. Oh, we have some doozies! Generally, however, I will refrain from directly addressing specific issues in the LCMS on this blog. For various reasons, I do not believe this blog is the best forum for me to air those matters. But don't think this means I avoid taking a stand when necessary. I do and I have and I will. But probably not on a blog. So when I nag or complain or rebuke others, it is not because I believe I am personally sinless or superior or that my own denomination is perfect.

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