You know your church is messed up when even CNN (sometimes affectionately known as Christ-hater News Network) knows you are doing something wrong.
The network is reporting about a number of well-known so-called mega-churches that are cancelling services on Christmas Day, even though it falls on a Sunday this year. First, keep in mind that most of these churches never have services on Christmas morning, only Christmas Eve. But it is highly irregular for a Christian Church to cancel a Sunday service. And, oh boy, just you wait until I tell you the reason these churches are cancelling their services on December 25th.
First, why do Christians worship on Sundays to begin with? Because that is the day of the week on which our Lord rose from the dead. So the first Christians, beginning with the apostles themselves, began worshipping on the first day of the week, which they also began to call the "Lord's Day." They did this so that each week begins with a little Easter.
And why do Christians traditionally worship on Christmas Day? Because that is the day when the ancient church chose to commemorate the birth of our Savior. It is a holy day for Christians the world over and there is no better way to observe it than by coming to God's House to receive His gifts through Word and Sacrament.
Do you want to know why these Mc-Churches are cancelling their Sunday services on X-mas? Because they say . . . are you ready for this . . . "Christmas is a family day." Now isn't that preposterous??!! That is the most pious sounding impiety I've heard in a while.
So do they mean that the way you strengthen your family is by NOT going to church? And all this time I have been operating under the delusion that Christmas was about paying homage to the one eternal Son of God who became man, the son of Mary, to bear away my sins and iniquities. Where in the world did I get that insane idea? I must have missed something. So now I get it. Christmas is about family. I guess those congregations don't have any single people in them. Or any childless widows. Or anyone who might be painfully estranged from their families. I suppose Christmas is not for people like that.
Anyone that says that "Jesus is the Reason for the Season," but then intentionally makes the choice to stay at home with his family instead of going to hear the gospel and receive the Body and Blood of Christ is a loud clanging gong and a hypocrite.
I'd say I'm speechless except for the fact that I can't seem to stop ranting about it. Maybe I should calm down now. Read it for yourself here.
And further thoughts from other bloggers:
Bunnie Diehl
Get Religion
Ales Rarus
See this related Burr post.
And thanks to The Southern Conservative for a great post and the picture I snatched, hoping he doesn't mind.
Post-Script: Listen, I am not pouring out a blanket condemnation on all Christians who make a decision to go to church on Christmas Eve and maybe not on Christmas Day. But I am condemning pastors and churches that see no need to offer the Divine Service on this high festival day, especially when it falls on the anniversay of our Lord's Resurrection from the dead. The irony is skull-crushing. Christians who complain about how secular the holiday has become should take note that is people like this who are most to blame.
Idolatrous Churches Closed on Christmas
Wednesday, December 07, 2005
Idolatrous Churches Closed on Christmas
Posted by
Pastor Scott Stiegemeyer
12/07/2005 03:38:00 PM
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I was wondering if anyone else would have seen this article. You beet me to the punch though. To be honest I probably won't be going to church because of all the places I visit on X-mas day.
The devil isn't as good to his employees.
In response to mounting unrest from demons, witches and ghouls, Satan called a press conference Monday to denounce efforts to make Halloween a "holiday" for his minions.
"The Prince of Darkness will abide no rebellion in his workforce," Satan declared. "Those who do my bidding shall continue to slave at my behest forever -- and that includes every October 31st from now unto eternity."
Pastor, you're more than welcome to the pic, I'm glad you got a kick out of it. Thanks, too, for sharing your thoughts on the matter. I'm glad to see that there are those of us in the community of Christians who are unhappy about this turn of events.
To understand why my church is closed on Christmas visit and follow the links. Our church supports our pastor and his decisions
Hi "Anonymous,"
While I am with my family in God's House with a congregation of believers hearing the Word, rejoicing in the gospel, singing "Joy to the World," praying corparately for the world and receiving the sacrament, I'll be thinking of you and yours at home, in your p.j.s drinking hot chocolate and opening your presents.
Oh, and by the way, thanks to you and your pastor for bringing embarrassment upon the whole body of Christ in the national media. Merry Family Day.
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