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Thursday, November 10, 2005

Fish Ice Cream, the New Rage

And I thought fish tacos sounded bad. Now I'm reading about fish ice cream in Taiwan. Some of the popular flavors are: pineapple shrimp, wasabi cuttlefish, strawberry tuna and mango seaweed, all in stark colors from orange to green to black. Now, I enjoy eating ethnic foods and trying new things, but this just is not right.

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Dan @ Necessary Roughness said...

I've had some good fish tacos in Texas. I don't see how fish ice cream could work, though.

Darrell said...

Mmmmmmm.... the only thing that might be better is "fish on the bottom" yogurt.

Robert Elart Waters said...

When I was small, my family used to vacation most years in Saugatuck, Michigan- a beautiful resort town on the western shore of Lake Michigan justly called "the Cape Cod of the Midwest." Dad's family had been doing so since back in the 'Thirties. It was an artists' mecca at one point; it's now a center of the gay community in Michigan, and sadly commercialized.

But I digress. An ice cream shop in downtown Saugatuck featured a wonderful blue-colored almond flavor called "Blue Moon" (they still had it last time I was up there), as well as my personal favorite- which, regrettably, has long since been discontinued: dill pickle.

Yes, that's what I said. I'm sure it was started as a joke about pregnant women's cravings, but the fact of the matter is that it was absolutely wonderful! As weird as this may sound, the sourness of the dill pickle bits in the ice cream had an amazingly delightful effect on the sweetness of the ice cream. I can still taste it- and if they still carried it, the prospect of having another dill pickle cone would be one of the major attractions that might draw me back even today.

Pastor Scott Stiegemeyer said...

Yes, well it just reminded me of the vomit flavored candy in Harry Potter.

Bill said...

I had Lobster Ice Cream in Portmouth, NH once. It tasted like Vanilla Ice Cream with frozen seafood in it. It was fun just to say you've had it but not something I would want again.

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