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Tuesday, July 11, 2006

For "Sola Fide" But Against Antinomianism

A few blurbs from Article III of the Formula of Concord (SD).

These treasures (of Christ) are brought to us by the Holy Spirit in the promise of the Holy Gospel. Faith alone is the only means through which we lay hold on, accept, apply, and take them for ourselves (10).

Nor, on the other hand, is this the meaning: without repentance, conversion and renewal we can or should yield to sins and remain and continue in them. True contrition must come first (22).

Love is a fruit that surely and necessarily also follows true faith. The fact that a person does not love is a sure sign that he is not justified. He is still in death or has lost the righteousness of faith again, as John says (1John 3:14).... Good works do not come before justification but follow it.... (27)

It is also correct to say that believers who have been justified through faith in Christ first have the righteousness of faith credited to them in this life. Then, they also have the initial righteousness of the new obedience or of good works. But these two types of righteousness must not be mixed with each other or both be injected into the article of justification by faith before God. For this initial righteousness or renewal in us is incomplete and impure in this life because of the flesh. A person cannot stand with and on the ground of this righteousness before God's court. Before God's court only the righteousness of Christ's obedience, suffering and death - which is credited to faith - can stand (32)

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Sola Fide or What?

A blogging buddy is doing a discussion on Sola Fide over at his blog. I'd put his address here, but I am honestly concerned about inadvertantly directing a bunch of Lutheran and protestant shi'ites over to bury him in comments. It is not my intention to flood him with rabid Reformationistas. He is a good friend and sound thinker. And he is making a good and good-natured foray into apologetics.

But, I did write a little something and figured why write two posts in one day. So I've included a slimmed down version here. Tell me what you think. And if you are nice and WINSOME (as another good blogging budy would say), I'll allow others to read your comments.

What is meant by "faith?" Is faith simply declaring that one believes in God. No, even the devil believes in God and shudders. Is faith merely believing that Jesus is the Son of God who died for the sins of the world. No, again, the devil understands this much. The Lutheran Confessions state that faith is how we "lay hold upon, accept, and apply, and appropriate them (the treasures of Christ) to ourselves."

Faith - by definition - includes contrition and repentance. And this kind of faith, alone, justifies the sinner in the eyes of God. But such faith is never truly alone.

The Lutheran Confessions also state that it is just as impossible to separate true living faith from a life of good works as it is to separate heat from light in fire. No one can have faith who does not have repentance.

The important distinction, in my view, is that btwn justification and sanctification. I say "distinction" not "division." Am I righteous in the eyes of God on account of Christ only or on account of both Christ and my own merits?

My understanding is that we are counted righteous on account of what Christ alone has done. And believing, laying hold, accepting, applying and appropriating that to myself is what I mean by "sola fide."

Sanctification refers to the inner renewal, transformation and life of good works that necessarily follows justification (not temporally but logically).

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